A woman running through the grass in a field.

Show at Women & Their Work

A project I have been shooting in collaboration with artist Denise Prince over the last year is premiering tonight at Women & Their Work!

A blurb from the gallery:

In large paintings, photographs, performance and a 16mm film, Denise Prince seeks to lay bare the outsized role that fantasy plays in the construction of identity and the perception of reality. In Object Lessons, Prince establishes a bold and evocative space for psychological play that blends youthful fantasies about what adulthood will be, and adult recollections of childhood, into a mythology that is both baffling and assuring. Of great interest are the ways in which each of us becomes an object and how we as objects communicate valuation. Striding the space between childhood and adulthood is the depiction of sexuality, which marks the change between them.

Exhibition is on view from September 28- November 10, 2017

Photo Caption: Behind the Scenes on Denise Prince’s set for “Object Lessons”. Photo by Amy Bench.