Bodies of Water


"Bodies of Water" is a story of a young man isolated by profound shame and fear of absolute rejection. It's about longing for acceptance and the possibility of love, and, ultimately, seizing the moment to reach out to another human being.

Marsh is 24 years old, and he struggles with a tormenting secret. Feeling disconnected human relationships others take for granted, Marsh treads water in the often painful doldrums of everyday life. One evening, a spark ignites Marsh's imagination of what could be and he embarks on a very private quest.

Director: David Lykes Keenan
Starring: Ellar Coltrane
Producer: Tom Suhler
Director of Photography: Amy Bench
Editor: Catie Cacci

Film Festivals: AGLIFF, Marfa, Sidewalk, Woods Hole
Shot on Arri Alexa with Super Baltar lenses